
May 19, 2015

It has been reported that Ramadi, the capital of Anbar province in Iraq, and seventy miles west of Baghdad, fell to ISIS on May 17, 2015. Department of Defense, State and White House personnel, plus some journalists, interpret the event as serious, a “setback,” but one that will be reversed as Shia Iraqi, or possibly even Iranian Shia forces retake the city. The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs has referred to the necessity of lowering our expectations to accept back and forth controls of that and other communities in this part of the global. Militarily speaking, we can expect things to get better over the duration, apparently and most certainly hopefully. Or, they could get worse.

But I think whether the General turns out to be prescient is not the salient matter; something else happened, that when combined with this Ramadi let-down simultaneously creates  for this enemy an even more explosive force in the once Western dominated world of global change and transformation. ISIS’s otherwise fairly well hidden top man — the current new Bin Laden emulator — not just spoke, but did so in concert with his program’s pending victory.

The expression’s timing, copying the once al Qaeda leader’s declarations of war against the US released for effect with his organization’s bombings of our embassies in the late 1990s, was planned to augment, with emphasis, takeover-modality sea change progress. That is, within the week preceding their Anbar Province 2015 victory — our loss — ISIS’s Caliph-styled leader, al Baghdadi, released a statement regarding relevancy of the likely-to-come win to the overall ongoing struggle for the global. “Islam is NOT a religion of peace.” he would declaim for this power-definitional purpose. “It is a religion of fighting and conquering for Allah.” He did not say, however, that expansionist Islam’s deity was a violent Allah, say as opposed to or just different from the loving one which supports good works, as I have opined about such difference1See the essay in this blog “ISIS: Coming Here?!” The relevant section is entitled “Secret Weapon: Allah.”. But he came pretty close.

Through that asseveration, he also countered the public relations-based education strategy used by previous stealth jihadists who have during these past forty years convinced much of the Islamicizing West that its transforming namesake, Islam, is indeed a religion of peace — no one need worry about foreign state-funded mosques, madrases, Muslim victimization/oppression-preventing, but Western-residing-only2Beginning with development of Euro-Arab conferences between the eventual OIC and European Union, and then carrying the same one-sidedness into the USA when that Islamic hegemon began  moving its takeover model here, fair, equal or similar treatment of non Muslims in the OIC was NOT and hence has NEVER been reciprocated. In fact, they don’t just burn churches down, or keep them from being rebuilt, that is, in lands conquered by Muslims, but they still kill lots of innocents in some of those places. At the time of this writing, a new Christian genocide is said to be underway. NGO’s, special inter-faith and same multi-cultural diversity schmoozing purposed institutes, and individual nation-identity-disintegrating multilaterals popping up all over the place — despite its long history of up and down bouts with serious aggressiveness. So I would guess that those advocates and supporters of Islamic takeover through petro-dollar greased peaceful, but benevolently omnipotent in the appearance of its appeal, convergence with the rest of the world, would be perplexed. The only thing they can do to save face, now that the other side of their program has been exposed — a bit early — is to continue denying that Baghdadi’s group is Islamic at all, only some aberrationally-presenting thugs, and hope that the more orderly ascension-baseds’ but nevertheless still sneaky peoples’ always over-riled antagonists, that is, Western, Anglosphere, Russian, Chinese and some Indian racists Islamo-xenophobic and otherwise generic bio-based haters, don’t watch foreign news on TV.

Baghdadi’s declamation regarding the non reformists’ view of the true nature of Islam, followed by the demise of Ramadi spins into the Ummah more certitude regarding its attempts to figure out what Allah really wants, not to mention what it really is. Does it want the innovatively more comfortable-lifestyled reformation like it started after its defeat at the Gates of Vienna in 1683, and then accelerated with Ataturk’s firing of the Ottoman’s Caliph/Sultan combo caliphate in 1924, or has Allah returned to a desire for world domination via the more ostensible conquering-based sword, and, again contradictingly, as opposed to the deceptive fairly-legal-looking in the late twentieth and early twenty-first centuries easy money-supported spiritual-to-assertively-political proselytization method? Is Allah’s participation in, fusion with, or assimilation of individual and collective souls mostly supportive of calm Sufi-/Buddha-/Christian pacifist-like internal spiritual journeys, or is it conceivably indicative of a run-away zealot’s Behaviorist epistemology-based train gone without apparency of reason into civilization’s wilderness of homicidal* psycho-sociopathic thought?

*Not all psychopathic mental activity goes homicidal. But some does. And when that happens within a masses management model, there’s hell to pay if it is not stopped early on in its systemic development. For a discussion of that process, see (in notes) these related essays in another series/blog3Will Western Civilization’s Freedom Survive? Essays from the Heartland on How to make it Do So;” see heading PP- (Psychopath), PPH- (Psychopathic Homicidal), and Totalism-Caused Individual and Group Stress. Part III, conclusion, The Good Rebel in Most of us; Distinguishing Good from Bad Rebels; and How to strengthen the former against the latter.. If you’d prefer not to read more regarding what I have to say about it, plus if unsure where to look for an objective correlate, you might just think and research in terms of how the — notably and similarly infantile in its beginning — 1905-1907 Bolshevik model in very short order wreaked horror on the world to the sundering tune of hundreds of millions either through war/social system-control carnage, slavery, displacement, separation or other despairs. Then follow the short path of 1910-1945 Japanese/Italian/Nazi-styled fascisms, which get most the press. You can even watch movies about all presentations over that one hundred years if you’ve not heard about them. And the entire shebang was delivered not just while developing under the observant eyes, but with the wholesale ignominiously active support of the world’s greatest intellects4The point here is not to slur or slander totalism managed and where applicable like Islamic studies credentialled people just because I’m not one. Although, sometimes some of them and their cohort Western apologists well deserve it. But rather in trauma management activities, academic or legal credentialing may not provide an adequate defense against the systemic envelope-pushing tactics inherent to international psychological warfare that contrives, administers and then exploits trauma for political purposes..  

As always, to even mean absolutely so, Allah’s will is interpreted more assuredly in hindsight. Ramadi’s fall is important to Americans, then, not just because it is a significant population center having geo-politcal importance, but because all sides to this conflict are keenly aware of the number of US citizens who recently fought, were wounded, or died there. In making those sacrifices, they secured for a while Ramadi’s American-styled liberty. And even if only temporarily controlled by Baghdadi’s “Fighters-for-the-Caliphate,” because of that American contribution and its global symbolism, the reversal will still send throughout the Ummah another wave of conversions to the non reform — return to the original and robustly marshalling view of both the Messenger and Islam — Ibn Taymiyya-Islamic-preacher/fighter-imbued side5For an overview of this most often referenced Islamic academe/jurist/ulema influencing and preaching philosopher from the era of the Mongols’ invasion of this same once cradle of civilization region and how that warrioring group is still impacting us today, see “Chapter 2 Ibn Taymiyya and his Children,” in Benjamin, Daniel; Simon, Steven (2002-10-01). The Age of Sacred Terror (Kindle Locations 760-761). Random House Publishing Group. Kindle Edition. To get a more detailed if not academically dissected portrait of that influence, you might want to read, if you haven’t already done so, the Oxford produced Ibn Taymiyya and His Times, edited by Yossef Rapoport and Shahab Ahmed, Oxford University Press, 2010; 2013. It is a compilation of papers on the life and times of Ibn Taymiyya wanderings, writings, orations and legal battles otherwise presented at a Michael Cook sponsored conference hosted at Princeton University, April 8 – 10, 2005.. Albeit we are mostly out of there, physically, the American investment and the management model we left behind have been sundered not in this historic moment by Baghdadi or ISIS, but by no less than Allah. The re redefinition of Allah’s essence by reformists and what the deity wants in this twenty-first century, is undergoing serious, even further, re re redirection at twenty-first century Ramadi, and in the concentric ripples of transforming change emanating from its both traumatized and traumatizing epicenter.

“Well, so what?!” would say those who study war strategies and such, or who thought up these rationalizing minimizations of what may be an actual hair-fire-burning6Speaking for the federal Executive, a fellow acknowledged that although Ramadi’s loss was disappointing, it was “not” one over which these people currently in charge would “be setting their hair on fire.” loss. “Politically speaking, ALL polities, and particularly religiously oriented ones, move their mental innards around based on the currencies of winning or losing.”

In response to that mythomanically7For another example of mythomania; see Bat Ye’or, 2011-09-16. Europe, Globalization, and the Coming of the Universal Caliphate, Kindle Locations 2883-2890. Fairleigh Dickinson. Kindle Edition. encapsulated psychopathia as it is applied to this war, here again for the manieth time in these essays is “what.” That Ummah with its belief in the One God, albeit seemingly periodically (like now) a little schizoid, fills the ranks of the OIC’s8Organization of Islamic Conference. member armies. And for those who, yet, see the portentousness here, turning control of the OIC’s fairly enormous wealth over to the non reform and more rigorously hegemonic identity of Islam could provide the global with a ready adversary rivaling that of the Nazi’s, Japanese and Soviet’s twentieth century military industrial and nuclear production/delivery systems combined. Excepting those who, in thinking of themselves as clinically, academically, scientifically, or just plain intelligently enlightened use Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy-based9For my view of what happened to the West’s — America’s — public and educational management systems’ problem-solving thought models since the 1960s, see these essays in another series “The Genghis Khan of Psychotherapy: One Origin and Critical Perspective of Behavioral Therapy (BT) and its Reformation — Cognitive Behavioral Therapy; CBT and “Part IV: Westbury Rebel Management of Really Serious Troublemakers in (and from) the Global” mental management tricks for masses public hysterical management control, that prospectively overnight gargantuan arming change from regular stealth jihad-oriented, lesser abrupt, and at least sometimes intellectually congenial OIC guys and even in comparison affable Muslim Brothers to non reforming ISIS emboldened Islamics should rightfully scare the pants off every freedom lover on the planet; if not actually likely, or worse inducing the inevitability of, killing hundreds of millions of some of them.

Speaking to the gravamen, those once reform-supporting military Ummahists are going to go at a moment’s notice, whenever it comes, with what it looks like Allah wants. My guess is that if Ramadi isn’t, like the US general said, “taken back” pretty quickly, for example by tomorrow afternoon, and if a few more bad things happen, any OIC Jahiliyya-inclined**10Jahiliyya, also “jahili,” refers to the process whereby Islam is changed from what it originally was and through its literature is purportedly intended to be. royals, military, dictator-like leaders, at least the undercover innovating-for-renewal but sometimes intellectually radical imam11Those advanced practitioners of the faith who chant up interfaith-speak trans-civilizational commonalities presented non aggressively in English while doing Western entertainment TV, but switch back to no nonsense Sharia compliant goals, objectives and methods when talking in Arabic to the other side and paymaster component — who12Does NOT include Shia headquartered Iran; those folks do not fit in with ordinary totalitarians. have been attempting to conquer the global the nice da wa way, which requires  faux (temporarily) changing of Islam into a Westernized and Buddhism-styled masses-lulling Trojan Horse kind of religion of peace — are going to be contemplating having to look for safer homesteads where-in they can live out the rest of their lives in the more, or hopefully so, remaining secure places in that same global, like Montana, maybe. Not only is it currently protected from the rabidly, as in literally explosive, insane by the only absolutely stabilizing force for our kind of good in the world, the US Armed Services, but the area has lots of open spaces kinds of land where property owners can see for a long way off anybody who is trying to sneak up on them. And, in the end, mostly everybody running from anybody comes to America to be safe and free.

For now.


Theory: Morphing Doctrines into Jahiliyya

Daniel Benjamin and Steven Simon13Benjamin, Daniel; Simon, Steven, 2002-10-01, The Age of Sacred Terror, Random House Publishing Group. Kindle Edition show how the late Sayyid Qutb is credited with emphasizing “jahiliyya14Again, Jahiliyya, also “jahili,” refers to the process whereby Islam is changed from what it originally was and through its literature is purportedly intended to be.” in the twentieth century. But Ibn Taymiyyah (IT) in the thirteenth and fourteenths argued the same concept. Generally speaking, in clamouring about Jahiliyya implementation of their religion, both writers/thinkers/preachers have highlighted an otherwise traditional, or say generic, systemic response to organizational formation and development. That is, layers of polities will present over time, to mean centuries in these examples, which/that/who interpret organizational doctrine that was handed down in a manner that accentuates psychological projection of and by those doing the interpreting. Thereafter, the doctrine under pressure from attendant civilizational-to-global advancements through world competitive learning and other psychological/social/cultural adaptation methods, changes or morphs with the academe’s interpretations into representations of popular currents about, say, more skewed metaphorical meaning in lieu of the original’s actual or once argued-to-be real one.

According to the Oxford published work15Ibn Taymiyya and His Times, edited by Yossef Rapoport and Shahab Ahmed, Oxford University Press, 2010; 2013 presented at a Princeton University 2005 conference about Ibn Taymiyya’s contributions to Islamic jurisprudence, he claimed that the closer the interpreters of the Messenger’s revelations were to them, in terms of birth and death orders, the more accurate the presentations. In fact, he (IT) is the icon of Salafism because he conjured that the salaf, or first three Caliphs following the Prophet, represented the true Islamic doctrine and over that which had developed academically from that near origin until his time, now (1300AD) approximately five centuries later. Despite peer review-styled failsafes against just this kind of program purity undermining, much was lost as a result of the doctrinal morphology, he exclaimed.

When doctrine has been deitized at its epistemological core, the referenced morphology tries to get apotheosized along with that origin, naturally exploiting, then, the earlier revelation. “Exploiting” refers here to the psychological dynamics that, even though institutionally/professionally defended against with the cornerstones of reason — objectivity, logic, ethics, and collective scrutiny — attend an academe’s interpretive activities. They can lead to the piggy-backing experience of mutual greatness felt through exegetical criticism, or even hagiography, to be one, nearly, with the original creativity: the revelational-perceived and maybe extraordinary, i.e., savant-like, genius that is causing all the ruckus/competition in the first place.

Parenthetically for this essay, and a subject to which I opined in an earlier paper posted on this blog16See the previous essay entitled, “ISIS: Coming Here?!”; heading “Western Legal Profession Fallibles’ and Traditional Rational Cognitive Behavioral-Focused Influences on Allah-Response Management.” – Note please, that when you open this link, the anchor to the intra-document section heading is not embedding; manual scrolling will likely be required., intellectual/rational cognitive and behavioral constructs used by academes are not always — although they ARE ALWAYS relied upon — adequate defenders against hysterical responses to trauma. Without those protections, distortions can undermine judgment that might otherwise have precluded misunderstanding, and even more disruptable, induced conflict.

What’s the trauma with and by which this group of thinkers is being influenced? It is the tens and hundreds of millions of deaths and carnage with which the edified constituency has been interacting as upgrading engineers for the rules of engagement. 

Concurrently, anti-morph efforts naturally appear to be radical, or they also may be decried as fundamentalist/literalist. But, no matter the ad hominems’ discrediting nature, they are necessary for thwarting the claims against the prevailing, albeit possibly even usurping currency.

The complaints from those fighting the polity’s prospective transformation being imposed by the rationalizing morphers set up what appears — in the instance of interpretation of what original thinkers/deities both conjure and want — to be an ever ongoing battle for truth-finding. The fight pits antis’ against morphers’ and even multi-revisionists’ notions regarding who is closest to understanding the original. Traditionally, the matter has been settled politically and with power, however, not necessarily logic, which oxymoronically shifts the organization’s authority away from its strengths adherent in and to the application of deification in the first place and onto man’s ever changing status in popularity, which in the second had been deemed unreliable from the entirety of the thought apparatus’s onset. To take/give an example of a significantly depreciating consequence of this organizational bete noir — deification, to say the least a difficult to linearalize set of presentations of reality administered through absolutely linear-based management structures — for just a regular member of the ummah, who, then, are you going to believe when the evidence-basers-for-Allah have gone jahili?

Hence, in the cases of the two referenced anti-morphers Taymiyya and Qutb, they both spent a lot of time in an Egyptian jail; and the latter was hanged during our Vietnam War era, 1966. In fact, I was returning home from a tour of duty in that country just as Qutb was dropped through the scaffold in late August of that year. Ibn Taymiyya, on the other hand, fared much better because he wrote a fatwa for the Muslims that is credited with having driven the Khan’s forces out of Mongol-occupied Syria and Mesopotamia (Iraq) when the other and possibly morphing Imams couldn’t get the Mamluk17The name given to the Islamic Egyptian leadership after its Abbassian contingent had been rolled into carpets and run over by Mongol horde horsemen just outside of Baghdad. Muslim army to fight at all18When the Khan in charge converted himself and his army to Mohammadianism in 1299, or thereabouts, the Muslim army is said to have walked off the battlefield because they didn’t think it right to fight and kill other Muslims, at least as pertained to their understandings Muslim rules of engagement according to the morphers’/current ulema’s interpretations of doctrine.. No small feat for an anti-morphist, as rarely did ANYONE get that otherwise far-eastern oriental group to do ANYTHING it didn’t otherwise want to. And no matter that Taymiyya was not iconically representative of the apparently morphed (at the time called Hanbali ulema) intellect ruling the day, he still saved it with the fundamentalist rigidity his intellectual competitors all otherwise opposed. I would imagine that is why he is being called upon again, now about seven hundred years later and as Islam is merging/colliding/clashing and otherwise doing a lot of eco driven spirituality, albeit sinfully innovative, morphing in order to conduct business with other world civilizations comprising the Great Global, not to mention surreptitiously planning to inevitably take the whole thing over.  

“Just Send me a Sign.”

So asked Steve Martin playing the neurosurgeon in “The Man with Two Brains,” circa 1982. He was requesting psychic help from his deceased wife’s wall-hanging portrait regarding whether or not he should become involved with the very-much-alive femme fatale played by Kathleen Turner. The comedy was showing with parody how even the most brilliant of intellects could become managerially encumbered by delusion during critical decision making.

Updating this essay on May 24, 2015, America’s Secretary of Defense, Ashton Carter, stated today that the Iraqi Army’s apparently Shia defenders of Ramadi abandoned their mission. “They just didn’t have the will to fight the even much lesser armed and manned ISIS adversary taking Ramadi.” But the Iraqis are not the only component of the so called coalition that doesn’t want to fight head up with viscerally applied ground forces. And, they all have the same conflict: “Whose side is Allah on?” or “Which Allah is in charge? The loving one adopted by us Islamic reformers, or the homicidal psychopathic killer incarnate?”

What is the message of this essay and opinion-editorial series? Get with it, America. You are running out of time. This threat is not about, or to be circumvented by, rousing coalitions with conflictually confused ontological epistemologies from the region. This struggle cannot be survived by opining that somebody else somewhere “needs to” do something, or anything. Although jahili-operated OIC members present as targets along the ordinated path to success, the thinkers behind this developing horde that just took Ramadi insists upon our demise as a prerequisite to achieving their overarching global-conquering/expansionist/making-violent-Allah-happy goal. It is to force us sinning kufrs into submission to Allah, either one of them. Moreover, and regarding the most common trauma victim defense used by current leader-shippers and opinion makers, although there are times for constraining prospective overaction, I don’t think this is one of them.

Because this is such a very serious matter, manage for the worst prospective case. Implement Phase One19Ending the Great Islamic War of the Third Millennium, and Reforming its Cause for Eternity’s Sake: A Currently Existential Matter for Civilization of this essay series NOW! And get ready for Phase Two. Otherwise you are going to be standing around moping and doping about having to send a tremendous proportion of the millennials’ children off to certain hurt and hardship, if only that, while dialoguers of the future — probably morphed too — try to figure out how the great calamity befalling them, came about.

Following the portrait’s spinning on the wall and with objects being blown around the room, and the wife warning mournfully from the afterlife “NOOOOO! NOOOOO! NOOOOO!” Martin responded in this now classic expression of complete intellectual delusion, “Any sign will do.” 

© 2015
Jesse W. Collins II

Notes   [ + ]

1. See the essay in this blog “ISIS: Coming Here?!” The relevant section is entitled “Secret Weapon: Allah.”
2. Beginning with development of Euro-Arab conferences between the eventual OIC and European Union, and then carrying the same one-sidedness into the USA when that Islamic hegemon began  moving its takeover model here, fair, equal or similar treatment of non Muslims in the OIC was NOT and hence has NEVER been reciprocated. In fact, they don’t just burn churches down, or keep them from being rebuilt, that is, in lands conquered by Muslims, but they still kill lots of innocents in some of those places. At the time of this writing, a new Christian genocide is said to be underway.
3. Will Western Civilization’s Freedom Survive? Essays from the Heartland on How to make it Do So;” see heading PP- (Psychopath), PPH- (Psychopathic Homicidal), and Totalism-Caused Individual and Group Stress. Part III, conclusion, The Good Rebel in Most of us; Distinguishing Good from Bad Rebels; and How to strengthen the former against the latter.
4. The point here is not to slur or slander totalism managed and where applicable like Islamic studies credentialled people just because I’m not one. Although, sometimes some of them and their cohort Western apologists well deserve it. But rather in trauma management activities, academic or legal credentialing may not provide an adequate defense against the systemic envelope-pushing tactics inherent to international psychological warfare that contrives, administers and then exploits trauma for political purposes.
5. For an overview of this most often referenced Islamic academe/jurist/ulema influencing and preaching philosopher from the era of the Mongols’ invasion of this same once cradle of civilization region and how that warrioring group is still impacting us today, see “Chapter 2 Ibn Taymiyya and his Children,” in Benjamin, Daniel; Simon, Steven (2002-10-01). The Age of Sacred Terror (Kindle Locations 760-761). Random House Publishing Group. Kindle Edition. To get a more detailed if not academically dissected portrait of that influence, you might want to read, if you haven’t already done so, the Oxford produced Ibn Taymiyya and His Times, edited by Yossef Rapoport and Shahab Ahmed, Oxford University Press, 2010; 2013. It is a compilation of papers on the life and times of Ibn Taymiyya wanderings, writings, orations and legal battles otherwise presented at a Michael Cook sponsored conference hosted at Princeton University, April 8 – 10, 2005.
6. Speaking for the federal Executive, a fellow acknowledged that although Ramadi’s loss was disappointing, it was “not” one over which these people currently in charge would “be setting their hair on fire.”
7. For another example of mythomania; see Bat Ye’or, 2011-09-16. Europe, Globalization, and the Coming of the Universal Caliphate, Kindle Locations 2883-2890. Fairleigh Dickinson. Kindle Edition.
8. Organization of Islamic Conference.
9. For my view of what happened to the West’s — America’s — public and educational management systems’ problem-solving thought models since the 1960s, see these essays in another series “The Genghis Khan of Psychotherapy: One Origin and Critical Perspective of Behavioral Therapy (BT) and its Reformation — Cognitive Behavioral Therapy; CBT and “Part IV: Westbury Rebel Management of Really Serious Troublemakers in (and from) the Global”
10. Jahiliyya, also “jahili,” refers to the process whereby Islam is changed from what it originally was and through its literature is purportedly intended to be.
11. Those advanced practitioners of the faith who chant up interfaith-speak trans-civilizational commonalities presented non aggressively in English while doing Western entertainment TV, but switch back to no nonsense Sharia compliant goals, objectives and methods when talking in Arabic to the other side
12. Does NOT include Shia headquartered Iran; those folks do not fit in with ordinary totalitarians.
13. Benjamin, Daniel; Simon, Steven, 2002-10-01, The Age of Sacred Terror, Random House Publishing Group. Kindle Edition
14. Again, Jahiliyya, also “jahili,” refers to the process whereby Islam is changed from what it originally was and through its literature is purportedly intended to be.
15. Ibn Taymiyya and His Times, edited by Yossef Rapoport and Shahab Ahmed, Oxford University Press, 2010; 2013
16. See the previous essay entitled, “ISIS: Coming Here?!”; heading “Western Legal Profession Fallibles’ and Traditional Rational Cognitive Behavioral-Focused Influences on Allah-Response Management.” – Note please, that when you open this link, the anchor to the intra-document section heading is not embedding; manual scrolling will likely be required.
17. The name given to the Islamic Egyptian leadership after its Abbassian contingent had been rolled into carpets and run over by Mongol horde horsemen just outside of Baghdad.
18. When the Khan in charge converted himself and his army to Mohammadianism in 1299, or thereabouts, the Muslim army is said to have walked off the battlefield because they didn’t think it right to fight and kill other Muslims, at least as pertained to their understandings Muslim rules of engagement according to the morphers’/current ulema’s interpretations of doctrine.
19. Ending the Great Islamic War of the Third Millennium, and Reforming its Cause for Eternity’s Sake: A Currently Existential Matter for Civilization

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