November, 2015 – January, 2016
Before applying TRT1TRT is the acronym for Trauma Resolution Therapy. It is the individual clinical component of ETM TRT SHOM that addresses trauma etiology, the intent being to reverse it., which will likely facilitate a battered spouse out of the psychology attending a dangerous perpetrator-to-victim relationship, you first, but sometimes simultaneously have to help her to stay alive.
The same holds true for nations.
“Although reasoned discourse doesn’t do well against this aspect2As described in this essay. of individually and systemically presenting psychopathia, to include its homicidal derivations, there are other methods that do. They rely on two common and inseparably combined variables: the precise use of defensive force, or at least the unambiguous willingness to do so3described here in this first of these three essays “Cont. Phase Two.”, and the near simultaneous restoration4“Restoration” of the core or identity refers here to Etiotropic — strategically applying existentially-focused caring methods to facilitate trauma etiology’s reversal — in lieu of Nosotropic, i.e., behavioral and particularly cognitive behavioral-based didactic-like attempts to control thought-behavioral trauma symptomatology. of the attacked entity’s perpetrator-traumatized core elements of identity5Shown in the second of these three “Cont. Phase Two” essays.. Attempts to succeed against psychopathically operated cults by applying only one of the variables will inevitably (referring to the long-term) fail.”6From this essay’s discussion found set out by the heading, An Aspect of Individual and Group Psychopathia is Institutionalized |
Align Armed Defense related to Staying Alive against the Opposition’s
Ideological and Methodological Takeover-of-Islam Strategems
This opposition’s7ISIS, Al Qaeda, Boko Haram, other violent Islamists, etc. primary and thus most strategic objectives during its current phase of operations is to expand controls into the Ummah, bringing the 1) full Islamic constituency and 2) its wealth — now OIC managed — into its Caliphate, which in 2015 is organizationally represented by the title Islamic State. Parenthetically for this paper, and contrary to some analyses by the non-SHOM-trained, the opposition’s strategy for the near-term is neither about creating a pre Mahdi-returning apocalypse where all on their side die in a great battle and wake up in the Islamic version of the hereafter, nor scaring the US citizenry into rattled dysfunctionality to the extent that they have to alter their paranoid-free and otherwise exceptionally happy lifestyles. Moreover, although achieving the referenced primary objectives would require the opposition’s bringing the guerrilla war tactics to not just the distant global, but for our apparently more immediate pertinent interests to American soil and thus homes, workplaces and entertainment venues of our citizenry, that action — despite our experience of devastation — would only, to mean defining this opposition’s strategic focus during this stage of the war, be for uniting the Ummah while taking control of its resources/international investment, emigrated and controlled mosques, and oil, and NOT for domination of American life, at least for today.
After having merged Big Money with Big Hysterics, however, strategic intent will change to include not just American dominance, but as well that of all parts of the globe. I think this caliph will in the next stage — if allowed to continue to expand in this one — return to the application which brought them to the party, imposition of the great warring Muslim hordes effect which they used to, in part, achieve the group’s global domination goals between the seventh and seventeenth centuries. These hordes would be adapted to twenty-first century technical and other progressive cult realities. However, although I do see how they can make that work on the Continent and against Russia, I don’t know how they’re going to, no matter cyber advances, overcome the historic Spaniard’s Christian influences on its citizens who inhabit the southern hemisphere on this side of the world. Once they know what’s going on, they would be a tough group to both fight and convert. Speaking from experience, I have been privileged to live, work, and participate in war with members of the Hispanic ethnicity. And, no matter social or economic variables influencing their various statuses, they are some of the most intellectually courageous and rigorously valiant peoples on the planet.
Because so much of this opposition’s methodology relies during this stage upon psychological warfare — interpreting Allah’s dictates for the Ummah — this essay restricts itself to an additional interpretation, my own, of how, I think, those two primary objectives are being and most likely will be pursued, and how to use ethically applied defensive force in conjunction with the restoration of an attacked nation’s core for countering both. The latter opinion is expressed in essay II of III of this Phase Two of the overall SHOMBook series component.
I believe Islamic State’s plan for uniting the Ummah is based on creation within it of a takeover program-supporting image of Allah-desired/-imbued/-fostered/-demanded/-administered invincibility in implementing that organization’s orders to bring the world under the one God’s, Allah’s, rule. That imagery, all playing in the end to the Ummah, was and is still being hyped by current global applications of the 1905-1907 Bolshevik terrorism model then used to bring down both the Czar and the legitimate democracies that were trying to replace him.8See any non apologetic history of the Bolshevik (Russian) Revolution, 1917, and for correlation to today’s Islamic application of the same in Anna Geifman’s Death Orders: The Vanguard of Modern Terrorism in Revolutionary Russia (Praeger Security International), 2010, for serious and scholarly study of the use of terrorism to destabilize whatever was ongoing in Russia and then as was expanded into the rest of world during the twentieth century.
The program and Allah’s interests are one, program proponents asseverate. Despite our, that is the West’s, righteous view of that program’s activities as heinous barbarism, the group’s methods become profoundly feared — they are accorded, no matter what the mayor of Philadelphia at the beginning of 2016 says, considerable exegetical support in the overarching’s original documentation — within and by the Ummah. Generally, when today’s Islamic moderns hear the fundamentalists’ exclamations, which are now also attended by severe hostility, the more current, open, peaceful and loving Muslims respond, instead of with counter vociferations of, for example say, “It ain’t so,” with a more profoundly felt, but sometimes suppressed “Uh oh.”
Islam’s Allah, ISIS et al asserts with pronounced vengence, is a God of wrath instead of a deity of love and peace, at least as is currently necessary for re takeover success during this also re resurrection stage for Islam. Non reformist Muslims and their organizations consider themselves to be the instrument manifesting expression through force of the divine anger and other upsettednesses. And, they operate under the banner “We’re going to make Islam great, again.”
In this “re” view, the Ummah is seen by non-reformists as having been led by its recent leadership to have gone astray in adopting non-Allah-ordained innovations, to include jahiliyya9“Jahiliyya” refers to the process of changing original and posited to be divinely inspired Islamic doctrine to fit current world thought. See Theory: Morphing Doctrines into Jahiliyya which is found in this SHOMBook series essay entitled “Ramadi.”. It, in this instance, refers to Western kafir-infected pacifically oriented more tolerant ideas regarding Allah’s interests, wants and dictates.
Conclusively from within the non-reformists’ ideological realm, Allah is INtolerant, not tolerant of innovation, and particularly not to accept that Its followers be misguided by decadent kafirs. Applying that logic, the source of the invading jahiliyya, which is the very existence of the usurper Indian-Hinduism/Buddhism, Russian and European Orthodox Christianity, Jews wherever they are, and now emphasizing — because it’s ideology and public management provides the model for leadership of the new Western world — American openness and toleration of differences, both attended by a protecting secular government for the last nearly several hundred years, must be effaced.
Ideological Conflict Summarized: The REAL Islam missed the Enlightenment
In simple clinical terms, Allah, having failed to formally incorporate the Enlightenment into its program’s governing policies and procedures — Shariah — is still a strict Behaviorist. One best gets to heaven through rigid compliance with Its directions which — in this instance as they’ve been passed down through Its protege Prophet — induce an experience of “perfect slavery”10“Perfect slavery” as coined originally in 1240AD by the “Greatest Sufi Master,” Ibn Arabi and his predecessor Sufi scholar Al Qushayri 1072AD. From Sharia Versus Freedom: The Legacy of Islamic Totalitarianism, Andrew G. Bostom, 2012, pgs 53-54 to the Word, and thus logically/sequiturly to Allah. Submission to Allah is identified by the term “Islam.” Following that reasoning, attempts to change that Word, say for example, to include Westernized thought regarding the sanctity of individual minds which at any time may follow different exploratory paths than the submissive one prescribed by the hierarchy, provide not just prospective but actual innovation to and of the Behavioral approach, maybe, or even likely shattering any created instance or image of absolute homogeneity. That prospect and actual occurrence portends the same outcome for the parent program, itself.
Regrettably, the U.S. Constitution — an epitome of the antithesis to behavioral-based totalism-oriented public management models — guarantees the right to individually choose from the various paths to the discovery of human ontology. Hence that document’s individual ontology-defending masses management modality has qualified during the recent past centuries as one of, if not THE biggest ideological threat to the old strict Behaviorists’ — in this instance He Who would be Allah, the Prophet, and all of those seriously taking, to mean declaiming the Shahada11Conversion to Islam and becoming Muslim occurs when an individual proclaims “There is no god but Allah, and Muhammed is the messenger of Allah.” — approach for attaining ever-lasting life. In this immutable conflict, something’s gotta go. Where freer thinking jahilis, referring, for example, to those Muslims living in Britain or the US and whose thoughts are protected therein against cultic death clause12See the Glossary definition entitled “Cult Management Principles Tied Together with Death Clauses.” enforcement controls, may miss that point regarding the conclusivity of their program, tightly-tied-together-by-doctrine Islamists do not. And they consistently insist that those being sent off when ideological push-comes-to-shove, eventually be us, and likely their overly Western-affected brothers, too.
That is pretty much the sum of the ideological conflict existing between Islam and the West as it has developed, for our interests here in the twenty-first century, over the last several hundred years, or between Islamism and any group that allows or facilitates thought outside of Islamic or, also, any other behavioral-based cult’s — like Marxism’s, for example — treatise. Behaviorism, particularly where regulated hierarchically messianic13To mean here that the top of the hierarchy is perfect — can’t be wrong — and those doing the rudimentary thinking within the chain of authority is less so, always., and the more diffuse eclectic-based search for discovery and definition of human ontology just don’t go together very well, no matter what wishfully thinking jahilis and other similarly motivated convergers on our side say, or otherwise hope for.
Significance to competitors, us? Anybody can beat Behaviorists, no matter that their images have been enhanced today in the West to that of psycho-scientists. Their model of how the human consciousness functions is in error whether applied historically to conquered masses, or in the current to peoples who are supposed to be brighter than their first millennial ancestors. To win this fight, take advantage of the intellectual shortfall, which is the intent of these SHOM Phase Two essays.
Who’s to Say? Or, Who’s in Charge?
True Muslims, the architects and proponents of the non reformists’ plan’s thesis would argue, have the responsibility for the implementation, and thus are in charge of real Islam’s restoration, albeit always Inshallah (Allah/God willing). Once that way, the authority sustains itself by asseverating the newly commanded entity’s makeup by evaluating for who or what’s “true,” and not so. The not true have to be re educated or purged. And, they are, which changes not just the face and heart of the group’s content, but establishes an ongoing transition from what once was, at least for a little while, to the always hoped for eventual and truest group fulfillment.
“Truest” is also made exegetically clear by stripping jahili14“Jahili’ is a person who engages or otherwise administers “Jahiliyya” — again, it is the process of changing original and posited to be divinely inspired Islamic doctrine to fit current world thought. See Theory: Morphing Doctrines into Jahiliyya which is found in this SHOMBook series essay entitled Ramadi. influences out of current interpretations of Muslim essence: return to the directives provided by those leaderships closest to the Prophet, the first three rightly guided Caliphs. Today, that return is called Salafism, in particular the violence-advocating strain of the approach.
There’s more to it. Defensive jihad sets the stage, or provides the rationale for thesis implementation. Emigrating Muslims engage kafirs, or kuffars, in what they think are their own homelands; but under Salafist doctrine, those lands are actually and have always belonged to Allah, again, for which the earlier referenced true Muslims have the also doctrinally ascribed responsibility for administering. Since Islam’s founder, Muhammad, was first expelled from the town of Islam’s origin, Mecca, kafirs have resisted the faithfuls’ intrusions upon the pre invasion reality. Newly arriving supremacy-based15For long and scholarly disertations on the supremacy aspects of this religio-ideology, see a host of non apologist authors, emphasizing for starters Bat Yeor, Andrew Bostom, and Ibn Warriq. Islamic theocracy and ideology, originally getting along with everyone when inadequately represented in number, attempt with increasing political strength to dominate the host environment’s differing epistemologies: original (pre invasion) philosophical, some spiritual, and cultural norms. The otherwise natural defensive kafir resistance that attempts to reign in the onslaught is taken by believers as mistreatment or other aggression upon and even oppression of Muslims. (It took a couple hundred years of serious standupedness to knock the supremacy props out from under the would be dominating Christian sects in the West. But for some reason, the defeated did not adopt Islam’s approach of claiming unfairness, except maybe in the Puritan-styled group mentality shaping some of the Christian protestant startup effort.) Hence, the need for Allah-ordained defense of Muslims: the chronically — now just at fourteen hundred years of it — abused declare defensive Jihad.
True-minded Islamic hystericals, and to sometimes include even the non truest of the tribe, hear about the faux and sometimes actual mistreatments, and pile on to the-save-the-poor-Muslims program. That protective effect provides one of the primary impetuses and, for those with senior management responsibility for manipulation of the entity, methodologies for the so called16“Radical” Islam is a word descriptor that only applies within the ranks of jahili supporters. The reforming Islam that today’s West argues to be the REAL Islam, is not only NOT the REAL one, but it only exists as the Salif-like thinkers allow it to. They, who are now called “radicals,” because they don’t adapt to Western ideological impositions on Islamic interpretation, when eventually in charge will make jahilis look blasphemously apostate. Eventually, and if I’m not successful in altering this march toward an unhappy history for the West, “radical Islam” will be the way it really is, and always really was. radicalization of Muslims into violent jihadist activities.
Eventually, and with the interpretive help of jihadi preparation doctrines ensconced in the history’s origin, the case is made that kafirs are prejudiced against, and thus at war with otherwise innocent Muslims. Offensive Jihad must be and is routinely invoked against the new hosting environment regardless of its attempts at openness, tolerance and etc. Not saying this for humor, but Muslim emigres who are part of the inclination toward the Salif doctrine view the hosting kafir’s otherwise natural intolerance of the Muslim dominating component of their doctrine as not just intolerant, but aggressively oppressive: people who don’t accept Islamic control fight attempts to impose it, which “pushing back” then becomes the source of the oppression. Kafirs, before getting clobbered into near psycho-non-responsiveness, don’t capitulate/surrender/submit/subscribe to Islam’s absolute ascendancy: it’s rightful place as supreme ruler of humankind, tolerating no other idea about how all things human, work. When not submitting to what’s been called “dhimmi” status, which is Islam’s method for managing a conquered polity comprised of other religions, cultural elements, ethnicities even, and general ways of being human, kafirs just have to go.
Where apologist writers/historians pretend none of this psycho-mania ever happened, non apologists’ don’t restrict their descriptions of the phenomenon. You can find in the latter work examples from every host, or eventually sometimes conquered country or region: Persia, Mesopotamia, north and now central aspects of Africa, Andalusia, India, Indonesia, Balkans, Islamisized Europe, and even Arabia, itself.
An Aspect of Individual and Group Psychopathia is Institutionalized
No matter efforts by kafirs to withdraw and demonstrate non aggressiveness, an Allah-directed supremacy doctrine supporting Muslim world governance underpins the ebb and flow, but nevertheless mostly progressively rolling volcano lava-like and ever-psychopathically* presenting thought.
*This use of “psychopathically”17For a full consideration of the clinical studies related to psychopathia see The Psychopath: Emotion and the Brain; 2005; by Blair, Mitchel and Blair refers to failure on the part of an aggressive psychology during critical evaluation of problem identification to account for or even consider the influences of its own thoughts and behaviors, and in this reference even inspired and directed by doctrine, on the actions of others. For emphasis, please note that “to account for or even consider” does not mean or connote agreement, but only the capacity to apply reason during the evaluation.
When a dissociated psych is so narcissistically fused with absolute omnicience, who dares to issue a warrant for critique, particularly when certain death awaits the defamationally blaspheming apostasy? In classic group psychopathic form, Allah’s follower victims, unable to evaluate, much less change themselves or the cult that directs them, beat up on every single thing contiguous, and then blame it for trying to survive — fight back. Best example? No matter that the Crusades originating in 1096AD followed complete conquering of everything south and east of the Mediterranean by Islam of each religiously different civilization from 622AD to that ending the eleventh century18Islam and Christian Europe on the eve of the crusades, Asbridge, Thomas (2010-03-13). The Crusades: The Authoritative History of the War for the Holy Land (p. 26). HarperCollins. Kindle Edition., not to mention invasions of Med-north’s and -east’s, respectively, Andalusia, (Spain), France all the way to Tours (732AD), Mesopotamia, Persia, the Balkans and Southern Russia, Muslims ever since have chanted up the two century push back by other religions as proof-positive of injustice against the faithful. To take another example, European colonization of the south came after Islamic19Not thought of by the West in those times as “radical” Islam, but only as Erdogan has said to day is just plain old “Islam.” There’s only one, he argues as head of Turkey’s current Islamist-based government. colonization of some northern Mediterranean Christian strongholds like Constantinople (1453), changing that place’s nearly millennium-old name to Istanbul.
What’s the ever-handed down and still pervading psychopathy today? Poor Muslims who clamour about having always been done wrong divert focus from their Muslim Brothers who clobber everything different and in the name of their perpetually downtrodden oppressed fellows. That trope, then, and despite the obvious millennia-long historic incongruity between themselves and the rest of the entire world’s Islam-invaded/-conquered civilizations, provides the spiritual rationale and ideological authority for offensive jihad. The world, outrageously prejudiciously, doesn’t like Muslims just because they want to see it go, and worse, intend — expressed for all time exegetically — to make it be that way: gone. Reliance upon reason-based two way discoursing with this intergenerationally-, intercentury-, intermillennially-handed down psychopathia, particularly with its doctrinal-fostered and same continuously supporting group manifestations, is whistling Dixie.
Although reasoned discourse doesn’t work well against this aspect of individually and systemically presenting psychopathia, to include its homicidal derivations, there are other methods that do. They rely on two common and inseparably combined variables: the precise use of defensive force, or at least the unambiguous willingness to do so (described here in this first of these three essays “Cont. Phase Two.”), and near simultaneous restoration20“Restoration” of the core or identity refers here to Etiotropic — strategically applying existentially-focused caring methods to facilitate trauma etiology’s reversal — in lieu of Nosotropic, i.e., behavioral and particularly cognitive behavioral-based didactic-like attempts to control thought-behavioral trauma symptomatology. of the attacked entity’s perpetrator-traumatized core elements of identity (shown in the second of these three essays). Attempts to succeed against psychopathically operated cults by applying only one of the variables will inevitably (referring to the long-term) fail.
Hence, when the first method, application of force, is used effectively, you don’t just get to stay alive for a while longer, but that benefit is attended by additional psychological supports —- assuring that the psychopathia-affected remember their most constructive place in the world before they got, or if in the current “get,” carried away. Peaceful coexistence with the rest of it.
At the end of 2015, those fighting against Islam’s jahiliyya-based reformation, again for example, ISIS, Al Qaeda, Boko Haram and then some Shia’ representatives of the same like Hezbollah, are moving rapidly to foster takeover through at least guerrilla styled, today called “asymmetric”, presentations of force now gaining strength through multiplication of the Syrian franchise into different locations. They are likely to shift the attack centers against the West to strongholds in Russia, Chechnya, Afghanistan, Libya, Tunisia, the rest of North Africa, Indonesia-Philippines, Northern Mexico, central South America, Yemen and of course in lesser presentation, the Egyptian Sinai (If the Egyptians surrender, Israel would get in it). OPEC mideast, I suggest, is about to collapse and in one swoop in the near future will come under the influence of the developing decentralized and rapidly spreading IS caliphate.
Big Battle Focus Coming Up
As soon as logistically possible, probably given current Western leadership to be late summer-fall, 2016, or winter, 2017, the West, and despite ideological management dispositions of differences between who’s in charge here in America, will have to launch ground attacks against northern Syria and Iraq. From any or all of the new locations of IS strength, preparations are being and will be made to form hydra-like managed hubs of warring capacity that can intellectually and logistically support attack against North America, the Continent, Moscow and, maybe the Balkans. When the West moves to remove ISIS from Syria, then Northern Iraq and the Levant, which will likely follow the expansion of ISIS guerrilla war21See the essay “ISIS, Coming Here?” written and published with this series in October, 2014. in the West — application of WMDs — the caliphate, or at least the idea or instance of it, will relocate to another of its globally predesignated/arranged new centers and bring force against and particularly in the West from those locations.
In concert with the primary objectives declaimed at the beginning of this article, the idea in this Islamist stratagem would be to present the image that they, the Allah-led enemy, is everywhere and coming from the same, and even while being engaged in a Yarmouk-styled22Walid Phares explained the significance of Yarmouk to the Islamist. The Muslim Abbasid dynasty leadership had to either decide to fight two large civilizations at its advancing boarders, both the Byzantine and Persians, or retreat back into the Arab Penninsula. They stood, fought and won at the Yarmouk River. Thereafter, the believed to be Allah-favored and -led Abbasid and then Umayyad dynasties advanced its armies north and east incorporating huge swaths of conquered land and culture into the fold. (636AD) battle in the region where the first one occurred near Damascus, and where they don’t appear to have a chance of winning. Attacking America, Europe and Russia’s heartlands while an element of the main army, say thirty to fifty thousand fighters, is being martyred in Syria and Iraq, will give the appearance that Allah is providing the always promised miracle of warrioring success against all odds, in this twenty-first century instance referring to the West as the presenting greatest civilizational force. To win in guerrilla, or also by some called counter-insurgency warfare, which this is, the adversary of the established power — again, the West — doesn’t have to conquer its foe, or even be the last man standing, but to only show up for the fight.
So, what’s the counter to that psychopathically operated ideological and political leprosy: violent Islamism? Stay alive by suspending for a while the otherwise fairly nice experience attending naivety in our usually non-paranoid civilian minds. In exchange, prepare to protect your families with independent resources, to mean ourselves. That can include bringing back individual defensive fighting philosophies and methods during this war that have you thinking, planning and training for the unexpected invasive and contrived presentation of violence. If the attacks continue to come as promised by the opposition, eventually you’ll organize your neighborhoods with defensive plans that give account to the opposition’s current attack methods, and then integrate that strengthened polity with its protective local agencies: County Sheriffs, city police, private security, neighborhood watch groups. Our law enforcement at local levels is and can be even more so extraordinarily competent and courageous.
To give one example, when al Qaeda was the primary threat following the attacks on the Twin Towers in NYC, I’m told that a group of Vietnam Veterans living in the Moreno Valley of the Sangre de Christos formed an area response network for the additional protection of the valley’s citizenry. In another, a single shop owner across the street from the San Bernardino mass murders posted himself, with only a small semi-automatic pistol, in a defensive fighting position against the ISIS couple wielding powerful assault weapons. And then there is the fact that thousands of veterans and others who cared deeply for our defense department personnel, presented as guardians against Chatanooga-styled ISIS assault and murder of those who otherwise have the duty to protect us. In my further view, the more attacks we suffer, the stronger local securities will liaison with national crime fighters and anti-terror protective agencies like the FBI and Homeland Security.
Prepare yourselves psychologically for the coming shift in reality from a well guarded civilization, epitomized by a legitimate sense of carefree living, whereby other cultures’ opine about its frivolity when seemingly preoccupied with such indulgence, to one that requires diligence to protect our loved ones and in truth those we haven’t even known. Where that differing perspective that always attends survival may conflict with one hallmarked by peace and love, work out the changes with groups already organized for maintaining our safety and security. Know that a period of shock, numbness, fear and serious introspective thought regarding meaning to life and community attend such transitions, at least at the beginning. But thought/behavioral encumbrances associated with those changes will pass. And know, too, that if we take these people on correctly with thoughtful response tempered with the right amount of visceralness needed in defense, we may be able in the twenty-first century to return to the good times we’ve been so fortunate to know, while other parts of the world have already been taking a severe beating.
Nationally, direct your government to be ready to go. When the ground war starts seriously in Syria for our forces, be prepared to immediately unleash on the Islamic State / al Qaeda hydra in concert with its launch against us. Do it fast and effectively. Which means, don’t wait around four months for investigative conclusiveness to determine terrorism or just extremism when the now dead killers storming the pertinent shopping mall, school house or sporting event were shouting Allahu Akbar in Yemeneze and then found to have “ISIS, South Yemen Branch” tattooed on their asses. Put the first wave of assault troop-carrying planes in the air so rapidly that the Marines or Army Rangers inside are getting buzzed for their disembarkation readiness warning before the first wreath, candle and flower is laid in the attacked location’s seance zone back here in America. When our citizens are wailing that deep grief for the loss through murder of their beloveds, the pain’ll be heard and felt all the way to the end of the Arabian Peninsula. Regarding State’s fears that our “visceral reaction may be worse — that is disproportionately responsive — than the originating attack against us,” I hope so.
This global exchange of violence, which is already encompassing the supposed-to-be-safe heart of Western civilization’s homelands, will be a warrior-centric asymmetrically operating battlefield, not a perfectly ordered courtroom. In these fairly rapidly changing times, keep doing war the due process legal way, which under ordinary circumstances I think our legal system is something worth fighting for all by itself, and you’ll have to be renting tons more space just for storing evidentiarally, to mean properly bagged and tagged spent shell casings and other evidences spread throughout the multi-location crime/guerrilla battle scenes. And, you’ll need many more FBI helpers and a properly intellectually equipped trans-legal-to-war rapid response fighting device. The FBI’s leadership has already said that with just the current low level onslaught, our law enforcement capacities are getting a little overwhelmed.
And no doubt, secure the homeland, finally. Then apply force so that it serves as a buttress against oppositional psychopathia, and which absolutist-styled conclusiveness the unforgiving wall of death and destruction provides one of the only two psycho mechanisms that will stop it — the Islamically deranged — albeit only for a while. The other, which is presented in essay II of this three part descriptive/theoretical, intercedes upon the incapacitating projecting component of the standard perpetrator use of targeted trauma for controlling both individually and systemically affected victims.
Psychopathia, whether presenting in individual or group manifestations, is drawn to acquire that which it thinks can be taken. Rationalized deservedations — they did something to us, once — follow the most basic “I want it because it’s available; so I’m going to take it.” impulse, Inshallah, of course. Worse, this kind of psychopathia is highly contagious. Even fairly innocent hystericals can become caught up in the swirling onslaught of the righteous killer mob, or horde, depending upon how much time you give them to build up.
Thus, the best option with this guerrilla war application and at this stage is to convince the psychopathia-affected that “No. God was and is NOT willing you to enact this expression of violence! Maybe,” you true Muslim planners who sent these wild-eyed Islamist killers-for-Allah should consider, “it, to mean your epiphany calling for offensive murder, might have only been not an Allah inspired, but rather just a Satanic, moment.” How embarrassing to be wrong on such a deeply meaningful matter, particularly when so many innocent people have been sent off into the wrong direction because of the mistake.
You Might Direct Your Attention Here
And that profound breakthrough happens when the Ummah’s current (violent as opposed to peaceful Salaf imbued) war strategist loses its most important, to mean, strategic battles. In this case, they’ve already decided to be beaten back in Syria and Iraq when the West comes on the ground. But they have yet to play their grand card, full application of guerrilla war to and thus in the homelands of the infidel, us. That is why we have to plan now to meet that challenge with Marine Corps, Army Ranger and Airborne styled, always ethical23Try not, but with ground commander discretion, to kill the wrong people., highly mobile, particularly timely-responsive, and as also always for this generation of American fighters, extraordinarily competent battle force.
Originally, I thought what I’m about to say here would be a given, for Americans. But in thinking more about it, I decided maybe not. So . . . When the attacks intensify in the homeland, DO NOT under any circumstances delay or particularly withdraw your strike force in Syria. Doing so would by itself send the Ummah into the non reformists’ control. “Yarmouk! Yarmouk! Yarmouk!” they’ll be chanting, “all over again — Allahu Akbar!” It would be a sign from Allah for all Its constituents and wealth to show fealty to the Caliph, giving it straightaway unequivocal achievement of its primary objectives in this stage of their global war on the infidel.
Don’t want it to go that way? Fight and win conclusively, to mean rapidly, on both fronts, and particularly the one at home. Show them what “Waking the sleeping giant”24At the end of the movie “Tora, Tora, Tora,” the Japanese supreme Naval Commander is said to have stated at the successful conclusion of the surprise attack on Pearl Harbor, “I’m afraid that we’ve awakened a sleeping giant.” really means, here at the beginnings of the twenty-first century. If you don’t do this right, I promise that “war weariness” will be more painfully redefined for your children and grandchildren in a very long and equally difficult twenty-first century.
An Islamic axiom on which the cult depends, “If we lost, then Allah wasn’t ordaining it, anyway.” Next, “So let’s get back to, or for practical purposes hide behind, jahiliyya’s peace loving aspects of our program, at least, maybe, for a little while. That’ll give us violents not just time25Islamic doctrine supports short-term treaties of up to ten years duration. to regroup, but during the sabbatical to re psychic-message with our Salaf imbued fuhrer, the always dependably violent, as opposed to loving and peaceful, Allah.”
What to Stop, or tone down: Weighing in, through Leadership pronouncements, Declaratively on Islam’s Reformation — Kafir interpretive Lingo that Supports One Side against Another
It would also be helpful if targeted kafir managements would quit strengthening the fundamentalists within the Islamic swamp. That invigoration of the opposition occurs every time the West’s leadership argues that Jahiliyya is the so called “REAL” Islam, and that the Salafists are not so “real”: just “thugs,” “hijackers,” “radicals,” out of date and out of touch or just plain bad ole “fundamentalists,” and otherwise mal-advised “barbarian interpretations” from the distant past. Those expressions by kafir leadership, which are intending to support the Islamic reformists — in this instance of the last near (since 1924) century — represent prima facie examples for the antagonists of the source of kafir contaminating influence in the development of Jahiliyya within Islam’s ranks. Those kafir leadership asseverations of Islam’s true identity — for example, made by the fore-referenced mayor in Pennsylvania, State’s explanations of the REAL meaning of jihad, and of course the President of the United State’s declamation that head chopping of Christians and their children in 2014 Syria and Mosul, Iraq was “Not Islamic” — provide the predominating rhetorical-based evidence of kafir infiltration of and thus aggression against Islam. Political alignment through leadership oration virtually assures success of the Islamists’ Islamic resurrection’s activities.
Moreover, even those staunch non apologists writers who engage the exegetical struggle regarding Koranic-Sunnah interpretations of what’s-Islamic-what, I think, albeit there is a place for their valiant work, are also when contesting with this or any seriously configured cult, just dueling with Tar Baby. You keep punching it, even with truth, exposure to light and all, and the central computer for that bowl of neverending spaghetti, after sucking you in, is chanting back “Don’t throw me in the briar patch.” In other words differently metaphoric, punching it out with the central computer of anybody’s cultic internals ensnares all intellectual fighters into the increasingly sticky and then even gooey morass, which gobbling-up by inevitable nonsense-presented-as-ever-louder-vocalizations-of-assurance sucks the already shifting sands right out from even the best linear thinkers, debaters, orators. My thoughts regarding what to do? Use force, ALWAYS ethically, to mean, at least before entering the dreaded and in this century technically connected hordes stage, incrementally focus on the precise variables that you think have to go, and make them be that way without destroying that which might be good/innocent, if given a chance; then, or simultaneously if you can, restore your own core damaged in and by the struggle.
Innocent Members of the Faith
What can we do for non-attacking, i.e. peaceful citizens who are Muslims practicing only the non violent (non jihadist — referring to the physically aggressive variety) aspects of their religion in the West and in accordance with its laws, and especially referring to those who get on TV or protest prospective “backlashes” from non Muslims. What about “poor Muslims” who might get or at least feel oppressed just because some bad actors — Islamists killers and murders who are at war with the West, or anybody outside of their faith — are “stealing”/”hijacking” their religion, turning it into something it is not, or at least wasn’t when and where the innocent-minded joined up?
Respond honestly, empathically, historically within our laws and traditions, and straightforwardly. Extend to people of good conscience the same courtesies and invitation this part of the West, America, has always offered the world. That is, we have lots of cultic-like26Melanie Philips reports that in 2010, America alone listed approximately twenty-five hundred cults in country. Melanie Philips; The World Turned Upside Down; 2010. groups anybody can freely become a part of. So exercise while here the same freedom for yourself in choosing a faith; but be advised that if you happened to have joined a group that is becoming controversial because a few members are behaving physically aggressive toward other citizens, you should know without equivocation that while in this society you are also free, notwithstanding psychological ploys applied for intimidating collective continuance, to leave the referenced group. Or if you were born into it, and although extricating one’s self from some and particularly long-standing during formative years (childhood) cultic ties poses a psychological challenge, you have the absolute legal right under our system to exit the program in question.
One problem regarding that right to change faiths, however, attends global memberships in world class cults. Just because you may be exempted from the apostasy or even other death clauses while in a Westernly legalized environment, you still may be vulnerable in different parts of the global to any of the standards pertaining to defamation of a deity (blasphemy) or attempts to leave an organization (apostasy). I would be sure that when traveling you are circumspect about the laws of other nations regarding enforcement of religious life.
I would think being a Muslim in Western Civ today, and particularly if the so called “radicals” and what I’ve called in these essays only “non reformists” of your group continue to deliver on their promises of death for kafirs, would make for a challenge that won’t really be made easier by taking the “poor oppressed Muslim” (which can support group psychopathia referenced above) approach. Americans will for a while feel sadness for your situation; but they won’t keep supplying endless empathy when it looks like you are not doing your homework on your own group of choice. They’ll just, even while understanding the value epiphanies play in selection of theocratic life, expect you to inevitably, no matter the depth of meaning accorded the ontological experience, choose another, and maybe less volatile for your and our interests combined, path to glory and the everlasting. And I guarantee you that any approach that keeps blaming the American polity for an individual’s choice of faith gone awry is, in this country, eventually not going to be taken kindly by the masses.
One last and short consideration for innocent Muslims’ predicament in the twenty-first century; if your group goes to organizational level support of Jihad against Western societies, the openness usually accorded free and unfettered religious operations is going to come to a halt. As some of your Mosques prove out to be “barracks”27Again, from Erdogan. for jihadists, those entities, and particularly if they are indirectly financed/owned by foreign states, will no longer be able to claim first amendment protections. They eventually will come under the scrutiny of those charged with maintaining the security of the nation against such rationally threatening contrivances, and you could just generally become stressed or even unhappy in that kind of environment while trying to exercise your otherwise good faith.
But others have done that — made honorably REAL adjustments while maintaining the deeper ontological aspects of their beliefs — in this country, now for hundreds of years. Mormons, Catholics and even Methodists28Methodists took a little bit of a beating when during the Indian wars of the nineteenth century, anti-Indian Methodist preacher Chivington became private militia volunteer Colonel John M. Chivington, and then murdered a bunch of peace loving Native Americans at Colorado’s Sand Creek. have had to make such adaptations. Those groups have, today, produced some of the nicest citizens you’d ever hope to meet. And I’m sure that you, in your strength, will be able to do the same. If you are an honest traveler who is predominantly loyal to this country, i.e., you agree to abide by most of our laws pertaining to killing other people, then good luck to you while you are in America. And really good luck if you try to visit the “old country” back home in places like Bangladesh, or even the more globally integrating and otherwise recently technically upbeat Malaysia.
“Be Ready to Go?!”
To do that, referring to getting ready to go, plan to become global mobile, fast. Increase tenfold the fleet sizes of C-5s, C-17s, C130s and a proportionate number of refuelers. Do away with the Powell Doctrine, which was not prepared for counter-insurgency styled fighting. It relies on hope that adversaries are equally as dumb as the late Saddam Hussein, and that there are no trees. Scrap this past nearly half century’s Vietnam Trauma Fever29See “Bait”; heading entitled “National Trauma Politics and Intelligent Foreign Policy Management Merged with Vietnam Trauma Fever,” for an explanation of the term Vietnam Trauma Fever. notions regarding death during combat. It occurs because fighting for liberty requires serious sacrifice by the most caring of our society. Without their offerings — aside from being maybe dead — we would be, given today’s weapons and other war machinery, confronted with an impossible task: delivering mass death, most of which would be to innocence, on a scale unprecedented in all of history heretofore combined. Americans don’t have it for that. And particularly, I don’t.
Commentators are already talking, following Paris of November, 2015, about razing Syria’s Raqqah, rationalizing the proposed Dresden-like disintegration with comments such as “Only ISIS supporters are left there anyway.” Use the examples provided by 5th Marine Division infantry at Iwo Jima, 2nd Battalion Seventh Marines in I Corps, SVN, and most assuredly those 3rd Battalion, 5th Marine Regiment MOUT fighters reinventing urban warfare individual squad tactics in 2005 Fallujah30See “Infantry Squad Tactics” Marine Corps Gazette, 2005..
Furthermore, Hiroshima tactics won’t work with this adversary. Each is tuned into Allah’s declamations; there is no Japanese – German-styled rational system of logic that learns from the lesson-teaching kind of modality. Harming non combatant women and children and pacifists men won’t teach anyone a Nagasaki kind of lesson. Don’t follow that kind of advice, as it’s not in us as a people to do that no matter the rationalizations supporting the carpet bombing-styled mass killings or the Atlanta-styled burnings of homes, crops and livestock. Don’t kill anybody’s goats or donkeys just to show profound capacity for exacting vengence, or more better (sic) to teach somebody in that group the new, albeit probably transitory, lesson — “Don’t mess with Washington, DC.”
Take Syria as described in “Bait.”31See the article in this series entitled “Bait: Some of Its Meanings and Usages in Foreign Policy, National Defense, Academia, Journalism, and SHOM™“ Predict where the hydra caliph will consolidate and attack Western homelands. Rapidly attack the hydra formations which are supporting offensive jihad, and run their mujaheddin to death all the way into the deserts, jungles, mountains and seas. Fight from the ground, allowing those commanders to deploy as best suits the conditions, using technological advancement to forward their progress in achieving their missions. The enemy must feel the particular courage of the individual American as expressed through its fighting representatives on the ground. No matter complaints by Turks and Iraqis, distinguish and recognize Kurdistan and treaty with it, strengthening them against violent Islamism’s methodology, but contingent upon secularization of management, and remaining that way.
- Seal the borders
- Arm soft targets like schools, churches, shopping malls, sporting arenas, and other public gathering places
- Find and destroy so called enemy cells
- If demand supports, increase CCW permits from eleven to forty million and remove the gun free zone impediments to defense. Strengthen the permit authorizing CCW schools to overview, at least, anti-guerrilla warfare tactics
- Pull the plug on what Erdogan calls the jihadis’ “barracks,” now in PC purist America only called Mosques — although that’s starting to happen now, it’ll have rough going against what appears to be a contrivantly covering US administration
- If you (Americans) want to do something rationally cognitive-based, teach those who don’t know how to integrate themselves between passiveness/kindness/love and visceral fighting and when the latter becomes necessary — replace in education management doctrines that all fighting is bad, with education management methodologies that some is valuable
- Interpret formally and honestly the theory espousing the political left’s influences — while the nation is at war — on academia, religion and the media and how those influences may support and even enable antagonists affected by psychopathia, in this example, referring to Islamism
- Defend the grid and cyberspace
- Strengthen by multiple times Secret Service and other protections of the Presidency, particularly while residing in/visiting the White House
- In all things related to the research and study of terrorism ideology tactics, embrace through fair study the varying elements of the fringe by gleaning the meanings of its messages — don’t marginalize differing perspectives just because they do not spawn from the current, at least without first learning from them
- Refer — for screening and where relevant clinical action — the Department of State and its White House hosting NSA liaisoning constituency to adult and where appropriate adolescent care facilities, particularly those with detox capabilities and Vietnam Trauma Fever treatment regimens based on ETM TRT SHOM
- And PLEASE . . . defend against squad sized (two-to-three four person teams) attack of the West’s iconic Los Alamos nuclear waste storage vaults and other such specifically threatening targets with at least a platoon, if not a company each, of seriously trained and very well armed American military personnel. Predominating winds are Southwest, which would disastrously carry fallout blown into the atmosphere over most of the food belt, the American Great Plains and Midwestern farm states. And INSPECT the defenses constantly
Europe: Who knows? What a mess the Continent is in. But it may get better when we implement SHOM Phase Two globally per the recommendations provided in this SHOMBook.
Essay II of this Three Part Series Describing SHOM’s Engine
In the next essay “II” in this three part series, I show you how we are going to make guerrilla, or asymmetric, or terrorism warfare obsolete. We take the “bogged down,” “quagmire,” “war wearinous,” “Vietnam/Iraq Trauma Fever,” and the “ghost” of bad times out of defending ourselves against cults and other violent psychopathic-like-perpetrator-centric groups gone over the top. And the best thing about it for you? “We” means “me.”
That is, Essay II is not just about how we’ll do it, but about my responsibility to achieve this task; why, methodologically speaking, it’s that way. As Americans, you don’t have to do anything except watch, work, give praise for that which you love both within and to your faiths, raise your families, advance yourselves, party, criticize what you don’t like, maybe go to therapy, and keep staying alive while I, otherwise, do my job. Even better than that, you won’t have to stay calm, stop overreacting or saying insensitive things that hurt others’ feelings, transform yourselves into socially tenable or not citizens, or for that matter anything else. No change. No joining anything. No donations. Not even forgiveness. And finally best of all, those of you who are asleep don’t even have to wake up. Just continue being Americans, if, like me, that’s what you enjoy most.
In the end and even despite some of its most obvious fallibles, I have explicit trust in traditional America; that after working through its idiosyncrasies, it will do the right thing for both itself and the world. And this trauma management thing that I’m writing to herein, can just help it to continue that good path. For you new and dyed in the wool, takeover-trained, Islamist-supporting, and always unhappily misguided nihilists, though . . . I’m not quite sure what to say. Except, I doubt that my program is for you.
© 2015
Jesse W. Collins II.
1. | ⇧ | TRT is the acronym for Trauma Resolution Therapy. It is the individual clinical component of ETM TRT SHOM that addresses trauma etiology, the intent being to reverse it. |
2. | ⇧ | As described in this essay. |
3. | ⇧ | described here in this first of these three essays “Cont. Phase Two.” |
4, 20. | ⇧ | “Restoration” of the core or identity refers here to Etiotropic — strategically applying existentially-focused caring methods to facilitate trauma etiology’s reversal — in lieu of Nosotropic, i.e., behavioral and particularly cognitive behavioral-based didactic-like attempts to control thought-behavioral trauma symptomatology. |
5. | ⇧ | Shown in the second of these three “Cont. Phase Two” essays. |
6. | ⇧ | From this essay’s discussion found set out by the heading, An Aspect of Individual and Group Psychopathia is Institutionalized |
7. | ⇧ | ISIS, Al Qaeda, Boko Haram, other violent Islamists, etc. |
8. | ⇧ | See any non apologetic history of the Bolshevik (Russian) Revolution, 1917, and for correlation to today’s Islamic application of the same in Anna Geifman’s Death Orders: The Vanguard of Modern Terrorism in Revolutionary Russia (Praeger Security International), 2010, for serious and scholarly study of the use of terrorism to destabilize whatever was ongoing in Russia and then as was expanded into the rest of world during the twentieth century. |
9. | ⇧ | “Jahiliyya” refers to the process of changing original and posited to be divinely inspired Islamic doctrine to fit current world thought. See Theory: Morphing Doctrines into Jahiliyya which is found in this SHOMBook series essay entitled “Ramadi.” |
10. | ⇧ | “Perfect slavery” as coined originally in 1240AD by the “Greatest Sufi Master,” Ibn Arabi and his predecessor Sufi scholar Al Qushayri 1072AD. From Sharia Versus Freedom: The Legacy of Islamic Totalitarianism, Andrew G. Bostom, 2012, pgs 53-54 |
11. | ⇧ | Conversion to Islam and becoming Muslim occurs when an individual proclaims “There is no god but Allah, and Muhammed is the messenger of Allah.” |
12. | ⇧ | See the Glossary definition entitled “Cult Management Principles Tied Together with Death Clauses.” |
13. | ⇧ | To mean here that the top of the hierarchy is perfect — can’t be wrong — and those doing the rudimentary thinking within the chain of authority is less so, always. |
14. | ⇧ | “Jahili’ is a person who engages or otherwise administers “Jahiliyya” — again, it is the process of changing original and posited to be divinely inspired Islamic doctrine to fit current world thought. See Theory: Morphing Doctrines into Jahiliyya which is found in this SHOMBook series essay entitled Ramadi. |
15. | ⇧ | For long and scholarly disertations on the supremacy aspects of this religio-ideology, see a host of non apologist authors, emphasizing for starters Bat Yeor, Andrew Bostom, and Ibn Warriq. |
16. | ⇧ | “Radical” Islam is a word descriptor that only applies within the ranks of jahili supporters. The reforming Islam that today’s West argues to be the REAL Islam, is not only NOT the REAL one, but it only exists as the Salif-like thinkers allow it to. They, who are now called “radicals,” because they don’t adapt to Western ideological impositions on Islamic interpretation, when eventually in charge will make jahilis look blasphemously apostate. Eventually, and if I’m not successful in altering this march toward an unhappy history for the West, “radical Islam” will be the way it really is, and always really was. |
17. | ⇧ | For a full consideration of the clinical studies related to psychopathia see The Psychopath: Emotion and the Brain; 2005; by Blair, Mitchel and Blair |
18. | ⇧ | Islam and Christian Europe on the eve of the crusades, Asbridge, Thomas (2010-03-13). The Crusades: The Authoritative History of the War for the Holy Land (p. 26). HarperCollins. Kindle Edition. |
19. | ⇧ | Not thought of by the West in those times as “radical” Islam, but only as Erdogan has said to day is just plain old “Islam.” There’s only one, he argues as head of Turkey’s current Islamist-based government. |
21. | ⇧ | See the essay “ISIS, Coming Here?” written and published with this series in October, 2014. |
22. | ⇧ | Walid Phares explained the significance of Yarmouk to the Islamist. The Muslim Abbasid dynasty leadership had to either decide to fight two large civilizations at its advancing boarders, both the Byzantine and Persians, or retreat back into the Arab Penninsula. They stood, fought and won at the Yarmouk River. Thereafter, the believed to be Allah-favored and -led Abbasid and then Umayyad dynasties advanced its armies north and east incorporating huge swaths of conquered land and culture into the fold. |
23. | ⇧ | Try not, but with ground commander discretion, to kill the wrong people. |
24. | ⇧ | At the end of the movie “Tora, Tora, Tora,” the Japanese supreme Naval Commander is said to have stated at the successful conclusion of the surprise attack on Pearl Harbor, “I’m afraid that we’ve awakened a sleeping giant.” |
25. | ⇧ | Islamic doctrine supports short-term treaties of up to ten years duration. |
26. | ⇧ | Melanie Philips reports that in 2010, America alone listed approximately twenty-five hundred cults in country. Melanie Philips; The World Turned Upside Down; 2010. |
27. | ⇧ | Again, from Erdogan. |
28. | ⇧ | Methodists took a little bit of a beating when during the Indian wars of the nineteenth century, anti-Indian Methodist preacher Chivington became private militia volunteer Colonel John M. Chivington, and then murdered a bunch of peace loving Native Americans at Colorado’s Sand Creek. |
29. | ⇧ | See “Bait”; heading entitled “National Trauma Politics and Intelligent Foreign Policy Management Merged with Vietnam Trauma Fever,” for an explanation of the term Vietnam Trauma Fever. |
30. | ⇧ | See “Infantry Squad Tactics” Marine Corps Gazette, 2005. |
31. | ⇧ | See the article in this series entitled “Bait: Some of Its Meanings and Usages in Foreign Policy, National Defense, Academia, Journalism, and SHOM™“ |