While Waging War, Strategically Strengthen Our Core, Tell our Adversaries Exactly What We Want-Expect from Them1That is, tell them why we are fighting them., and then Demand Compliance should we be Fortunate Enough to Win.
September, 2015
SHOM Principles: First, fight to keep yourselves — your nation — alive. Second, remove the trauma that interferes with your capacities to do so. A system that does both can not only survive, but also maintain the good that it represents.
At one year from the initiation of this analyses, warning, recommendation, instruction, the American people, emphasizing how they are responding to this challenge through their leadership, are building one of the great calamities in world history, but at least I believe now with the growing consciousness within the non-leadership aspects of the polity that they may be doing so. Speaking to that polity, you did not implement SHOM Phase One, which included recommendations made more than a year ago for 1) militarily destroying the opposition’s main forces in Syria and Iraq, and 2) securing our borders against adversaries. And while not following that advice, you have continued to be attacked at your core. Given trauma’s traditional systemic effects, you have responded quite naturally accordingly, and thus predictably by either:
- Denying that there is an enemy; that equates to DID2Where “DID” is the acronym for Dissociative Identity Disorder in the clinical world, in this foreign policy usage it means “dialoguers in delusion.”
- Fighting the enemy (fighters use rhetoric and arms)
- Going over to its side (dhimmis who become Stockholm Syndrome-influenced traitors)
The forces that have challenged you are feeding on this disparate condition; with the exception of a vociferous constituency growing within your ranks, your still legal majority’s leadership has gone hysterically molish during increasing physical attacks. And, the swarm is gaining strength, rising, said even to be developing a hydra headed multi centrality command structure; which if true, increases the probabilities of not just our suffering, but the prospects for our demise. Failure here, in these years, 2015 through 2018, portends a state of abjection that would be hard to overcome while otherwise trying to take care of one’s self, whether a single individual, a family, a nation.
Nevertheless, we shall. As that’s the American way, apparently.
SHOM Phase One and the beginning of Two in this sample application (this three part SHOMBook series) has provided educational and instructional essays that bring you to this point. Here, now, are three outlines to equivalent essays that describe the engine of virtually any SHOM application, but in this example to an actual ongoing event that would require more existential level physically protective defense than originally engineered within SHOM’s design3See in this series “About SHOM . . .” and the section entitled “A More Difficult Circumstance — From Asymmetric Challenges to Full out War.”, and also in this instance initiated at the beginnings of the twenty-first century.
Continuing SHOM Phase Two, we do three things almost or near simultaneously. Each recommendation is presented in its own essay. They are overviewed here.
- Continuing SHOM Phase Two: Essay I — fend off enemy physical attack, assault, and hegemony by
- imposing search and destroy missions in the global
- taking all the “bait”4See the article in this series entitled “Bait: Some of Its Meanings and Usages in Foreign Policy, National Defense, Academia, Journalism, and SHOM™“ offered.
- waging counter guerrilla war at home and wherever the opposition presents.
- countering psychological war applied against us
- identifying and rendering inefficacious otherwise potently hostile methodologies which, and personnel who, have penetrated our leadership, and particularly an entire segment of its expert advisors: elements of academia and media
- ground surgical/strategic annihilation of source hostile organizational presentation
- high tech bombardment of the enemy’s capacities to exist as they previously have, to mean, at all
- set piece when and where necessary — rolling into SHOM Phase Three
- Continuing Phase Two; Essay II — address the enemy’s psychological damage done to our core by:
- identifying that destructive influence
- reversing it
- restoring the original core within and into the current reality
- interceding the enemy’s core-targeting methods
- engineering and establishing an ongoing core protectorate
- assertiveness training — offset manipulative incoming demands with outgoing demands for cult quid pro quo/reciprocation; for example, for every Wahhabi-Qatar-funded mosque established in the West, the OIC has to allow a Baptist, Episcopalian, Methodist, Charismatic, or Catholic Church with a friendly Buddha pagoda next door placed in country; and maybe even allow some Hindi sacred cows to wander through pastures and attend watering holes.
- Continuing Phase Two: Essay III — intellectually, to mean rational-cognitively/didactically ─ put it in writing ─ introduce to the other side the matter over and about which we are fighting: those elements of Sharia and doctrine taken from the Sunnah that create the internationally dangerous cultic management aspects5Death clauses that channel, control and delimit human ontology — death for blasphemy, defamation, apostasy, family/tribal dishonor of the organization and that further advocate, i.e., direct the antagonists to
- convert our citizenry to their ways and means of thinking, feeling, believing, behaving
- enslave our people
- harm, kill our loved ones, neighbors, other citizens and particularly children
- maintain their global cultically murderous hegemon
Contending successfully with “violently aggressive Islamism” inevitably requires also contending successfully with its parent, Islam.
Implementing SHOM Phase Two will prepare its adapters and opposition alike for SHOM Phase Three. It will destroy dangerously aggressive Islamism, putting an end to the need for further war against the parent’s cultic attempts — through its more brutal hegemonic element — to control the world, and in particular, us. However, to be able to contend successfully, those aspects of Islam that allow, and even facilitate6In this series, see another essay — “Islamist Terrorism/Violence’s Primary Cause: You Decide, February-March, 2015″ — from this series that describes Islam’s doctrinal contributions that support, even hold in place, apparently intrinsic organizational aggressiveness. They include doctrinally established and maintained death clauses for political control of the entity. For example, death is promulgated for 1) apostasy, 2) entity/deity/founding leadership defamation, 3) blasphemy, honoring the family by having sex or the near like of it with the wrong people, and the not necessarily always death injunction attending “Command right and Forbid Wrong” highlighted in Hirsi Ali’s work – “Heretic.” the referenced threat must, too, be adequately addressed. They are simple to identify. And subsequent to implementation of SHOM Phase Two, they should be easy to manage constructively7i.e., to make stick. so that the world may achieve what it wants from this otherwise likely total8This combined warring/fighting and trauma resolving activity would not have to have been this combat-oriented in the “staying alive” part of the program had SHOM been applied a quarter century ago when initially presented to and accepted by the DOD, and before this generation of Islamic terror really got rolling. effort — that is, to ensure Islam’s transition in this twenty-first century to what it aspired to be in the first place, before it went to Medina9In her latest book, Hirsi Ali provides the most succinct explanation that I’ve found in my readings (Full, to include those works not noted in these essays, bibliography to be posted for this series when done with it) of the subject regarding the differences between warring and peaceful Islam. She refers, in fact, to the peaceful component as Mecca Muslims, and the more politically and particularly violently aggressive component as Medina Muslims. For her summary see Ali, Ayaan Hirsi (2015-03-24). Heretic: Why Islam Needs a Reformation Now (Kindle). HarperCollins. Kindle Edition., a truly peaceful religion.
1. | ⇧ | That is, tell them why we are fighting them. |
2. | ⇧ | Where “DID” is the acronym for Dissociative Identity Disorder in the clinical world, in this foreign policy usage it means “dialoguers in delusion.” |
3. | ⇧ | See in this series “About SHOM . . .” and the section entitled “A More Difficult Circumstance — From Asymmetric Challenges to Full out War.” |
4. | ⇧ | See the article in this series entitled “Bait: Some of Its Meanings and Usages in Foreign Policy, National Defense, Academia, Journalism, and SHOM™“ |
5. | ⇧ | Death clauses that channel, control and delimit human ontology — death for blasphemy, defamation, apostasy, family/tribal dishonor |
6. | ⇧ | In this series, see another essay — “Islamist Terrorism/Violence’s Primary Cause: You Decide, February-March, 2015″ — from this series that describes Islam’s doctrinal contributions that support, even hold in place, apparently intrinsic organizational aggressiveness. They include doctrinally established and maintained death clauses for political control of the entity. For example, death is promulgated for 1) apostasy, 2) entity/deity/founding leadership defamation, 3) blasphemy, honoring the family by having sex or the near like of it with the wrong people, and the not necessarily always death injunction attending “Command right and Forbid Wrong” highlighted in Hirsi Ali’s work – “Heretic.” |
7. | ⇧ | i.e., to make stick. |
8. | ⇧ | This combined warring/fighting and trauma resolving activity would not have to have been this combat-oriented in the “staying alive” part of the program had SHOM been applied a quarter century ago when initially presented to and accepted by the DOD, and before this generation of Islamic terror really got rolling. |
9. | ⇧ | In her latest book, Hirsi Ali provides the most succinct explanation that I’ve found in my readings (Full, to include those works not noted in these essays, bibliography to be posted for this series when done with it) of the subject regarding the differences between warring and peaceful Islam. She refers, in fact, to the peaceful component as Mecca Muslims, and the more politically and particularly violently aggressive component as Medina Muslims. For her summary see Ali, Ayaan Hirsi (2015-03-24). Heretic: Why Islam Needs a Reformation Now (Kindle). HarperCollins. Kindle Edition. |